Bergamot (佛手)

│ 06:40
Langue: Sans dialogue
Edition Animatou:
Producteur: Dongyu Culture Media: Shuolu Si
Diffusé dans le(s) programme(s):
Aaaaah! , 08.10.24

Exploration de la relation binaire mère-fille à travers la main de Bouddha et le fruit du même nom; semblables mais différentes, opposées mais compatibles, se ressemblant mais refusant de se ressembler, se contredisant mais adhérant l’une à l’autre, se séparant mais se reliant.

Bergamot, also translated as Buddha's hand, explores the binary mother-daughter relationship as it shifts as it grows. Buddha's hand and hand are similar but different, opposites but compatible, referring to the mother-daughter relationship, resembling but refusing to resemble, contradicting but adhering to each other, separating but connecting.