If Not Now, Then When…? (Sven nicht jetzt, wann dann…?)

│ 03:35
Langue: VoDe/StFr
Edition Animatou:
Producteur: KF | Animation, Rosemann, Jens

C’est une belle journée d’été à la piscine. Ça fait un moment que Sven attend ce moment: il va enfin sauter du plongeoir – c’est le moment idéal! Encore incertain, Sven tente de se convaincre en grimpant au plongeoir.

It's a beautiful summer’s day at the outdoor swimming pool. Sven has been planning this for a long time: he is going to jump off the diving tower. Today he is going to do it ! Now is a perfect time! Still somewhet uncertain, Sven tries to convince himself and climbs up the tower.